Marc ThiviergeSep 5, 20212 min Some news - Des nouvellesHi! I would like to let you know that all is well and that summer has been inspiring for me. We have traveled to Newfoundland last month...
Marc ThiviergeFeb 27, 20211 minLes premiers - The very first onesVous êtes les premiers à le savoir !!! Faire partie de ce groupe "Mon blogue" a quelques privilèges : L'un d'eux est de vous informer...
Marc ThiviergeFeb 22, 20211 minLe temps de partager - Let us shareBonjour, Il est important de partager avec ceux que l’on aime et que l’on sait qu’ils vont aimer en retour. Quand je pense que de nos...
Marc ThiviergeFeb 7, 20212 minRETROSPECTIVERecently, with the situation being what it is, this artist has had more time than he has ever had to stop and reflect on his life, on his...
Marc ThiviergeJan 11, 20214 minA New Year - Une nouvelle annéeBonjour, A great big WELCOME to my first blog As promised, here is the first of my musings on my ‘état d’esprit’ as an artist. These...
Marc ThiviergeOct 20, 20202 minIls ont dit - They said Marcs work is extreme evocative of the environment around him. Using the technique of cut paper and collage, Marc captures the...